Thursday, November 29, 2012

40,179 Reasons To Be Thankful

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

Last November, I hit 5,000 page views for (Happy 5000! Dim Sum, Stubble Burn and a Happy, Happy Lily!)  One year later, I am now past 40,125 page views.  Now I know that many websites out there may get 40,000+ page views a day (or an hour - or a minute, if you're Oprah.)  But I'm not Oprah, so to go from 5,000 page views to over 40,000 page views in one year (I think that's like a 700% increase, right?  I'm bad at math!) is pretty amazing in my book.  Now on there is a setting so your own personal page views do not get included in the page counter-- so if my own page views were included, I'd probably be celebrating 100,000 page views by now ... but it would be less significant!  (And I'm all about significance).

Today, I was opening a pack of pre-cut celery sticks.  Evidently I didn't know my own superhuman strength as the bag exploded as I tried to rip it open.  This caused a rain of celery sticks to come thundering down upon my youngest cat, Oshi.  Poor Oshi went running from the kitchen, trying to avoid the hail of big green sticks.  Oshi spent the rest of the day peering into the kitchen cautiously.  The experience has now made him realize that his own personal reality includes the dangers of unexpected storms of celery raining down with no forewarning.  Life is crazy, you never know when a bunch of celery will take you down.

Oshi - in happier days - before he was tormented by celery

So the theme of this blog post is be thankful for what you have because you never know when a vegetable will decide to attack you.

Thank you so much for your readership and support.  Stay tuned as future blog posts will feature the best dessert in NYC and the best dessert in Vancouver, Canada (in my humble opinion, of course-- oh who am I kidding?  I'm never humble!)

Feel free to click on some ads while you're visiting - I will need the ad revenue to fund Oshi's therapy bills - "The celery is coming!  The celery is coming!"

Again many thanks to my loyal readers and those who stumble upon me as well.  I'd like to be at 150,000 page views by this time 2013.  Aim high!

P.S.  As my gift to you - an oldie but a goodie - Pink was the color of my itchy discontent.  Read it and enjoy!

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