Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Product Wednesday: Fred and Friends Wine Monkey Sock

Hello Lily on the Lam Readers:

I have been woefully amiss at blogging of late.  Upon returning from 2 1/2 weeks in India and bringing back a severe case of bronchitis as the "ultimate souvenir, "I finally am about 99% recuperated after 3 weeks, a lot of liquids, a lot of Vitamin C and some heavy antibiotics.

I chose to celebrate my recovery to health by leaving sunny, warm Florida and tromping up to chilly, snowy, slushy New York City.  I had inadvertently timed my visit to coincide with the first big snow of the season.  Murphy's Law, of course!

It really wasn't a huge snow - I went to grad school in Buffalo, New York where 40 inches could drop overnight!  But even with the minimal amount of snow, my Floridian blood wasn't crazy about the cold and intermittent icy hail.  However, I have a lot of great material for future blog posts from my 3 day weekend in New York City.  Including a fantastic lunch at Chef Floyd Cardoz's new restaurant, North End Grill.  I arrived for lunch 2 days after North End Grill received their liquor license.  Coincidence?  I think not!

I also look forward to blogging about a single, childless woman's forced excursion to the American Girl doll store on 5th Avenue in New York City.  It was eye-opening and a bit terrifying!  So keep posted to - I have some fun adventures that I will be writing about eventually!  Someone needs to lock my MacBook Air and I into a Starbucks!  Need to write!

Since returning from New York City, I have been on hyper-drive preparing for my annual Gasparilla party.  For those of you not in the Tampa Bay area, Gasparilla (named after Jose Gaspar) is our annual Pirate festival - very much like Mardi Gras in New Orleans.  Beads, booze and public intoxication.  Oh ... and pirates.  It is a great time.  I will be spending this Saturday, mixing too many different kinds of alcohol in one sad stomach.  Please pray for me and send antacids!

Despite the party planning, I could not miss writing a post for New Product Wednesday.  In honor of my NYC trip, I am going to focus on a purchase I made in New York at one of my favorite kitschy, "everything under the sun" stores - Pearl River Mart in SoHo.  It is an Asian store - what better place to be for the start of Chinese New Year and the year of the Dragon?  One year, I bought my friend DDR's children little karate outfits there.  I think it kickstarted their Ninja phase.  Pearl River sells a lot of beautiful Asian robes.  They are lovely gifts.

I bought a ton of fabulous knick knacks.  I know I am materialistic when little purchases make me soooo happy.  Most of the things I bought, I really don't need ... but like I said, they make me sooooo happy.  And that is the genesis for my purchase of the Fred and Friends Wine Monkey Sock!  I have sock monkey slippers.  I have sock monkey stationary.  Why not have a sock monkey to fit on a bottle of wine?  I should have bought several of these and put them on bottles of wine for gifts, but I'm greedy!  I just bought one for myself!

The Fred and Friends website has better pictures of the Wine Monkey, but here's a picture of the box to give you an idea:

I am going to start marking my life as BWM and AWM - Before Wine Monkey and After Wine Monkey.  I could not resist the sock monkey cuteness and the fact that you can be ultra-cute and incorporate it with alcohol, win-win!

If you're looking for a fun, wacky gift for yourself or for friends-- check out the Wine Monkey!

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