Thursday, October 24, 2013

Excuse Me, But There Is A Pumpkin In My Yogurt - Trader Joe's Pumpkin Yogurt

Hello Readers:

Growing up in the Midwest, Spring and Autumn were my favorite times of the year.  Even though I live in Florida, my heart still thinks of a crisp chill in the air, apples, pumpkins and a roaring fire as the prelude to winter slowly settling.  

So when Trader Joe's sent out emails heralding their new seasonal, limited time only cavalcade of pumpkin products - I knew I had to try some of these autumnal yummies.

The rumor is that in 2014, there will be both a Trader Joe's in Tampa as well as one in St. Petersburg … but until then it takes a trip to Sarasota (an hour away) to get the Trader Joe's loveliness.  A small price to pay, in my opinion.

My refrigerator and freezer are now stocked with pumpkin products galore, so I thought I would share my thoughts on Trader Joe's seasonal delights.

I have a confession to make … I am a yogurt nerd.  I realize there are a multitude of flavor combinations out there, but my palate really only truly enjoys plain Greek yogurt - no flavoring, no sugar added.  Everything else tastes too sickly sweet for me.  Sort of like if I drink Coca-Cola, my taste buds are weaned on diet Coke and Coke Zero - so real sugared (or corn syrup-ed soda as the case may be) tastes like drinking pancake syrup to me.  

However despite my bland yogurt love, when I saw that Trader Joe's had a Pumpkin-flavored Greek yogurt I knew I needed to break ranks and try something new.

My first thought with the first spoonful?  Um, there's pumpkin in my yogurt.  The pumpkin has a nice fresh, autumn-spiced taste and the yogurt itself is very creamy.  It is non-fat for those of you who may be fat-phobic.  It was hearty-tasting and would make a nice filling breakfast with some granola.

However since I am so used to having unflavored yogurt, I decided to turn my pumpkin yogurt into dessert.  I alternately layered pumpkin yogurt with very thin layers of Trader Joe's cranberry sauce.  The tart cranberry sauce mellowed the sweetness of the yogurt and made a fun little dessert.

Had I had any of Trader Joe's triple ginger cookies on hand, I would have crumbled them up and made a pumpkin yogurt - cranberry sauce - ginger cookie parfait.  A nice autumnal dessert, if I do say so myself.

Since I am not a big flavored yogurt eater, I probably won't be stocking up on Trader Joe's pumpkin yogurt.  However if you like flavored yogurt and you like pumpkin, you should check out this limited time only Trader Joe's product while supplies last!

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