Wednesday, September 11, 2013

And the slow crawl toward global domination continues ...

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

If you read my last post, you'll know that I gave up Facebook and am now overcompensating by Tweeting every random thought in my wee, little head.  

( @SouthTampaLily - follow me, people!)  

Social Media Addiction is not a pretty mistress.

I feel like the last 12 months have been all about seeing where I randomly pop up - I've been on TV a couple times, in a couple online newspapers and my Tweets have made several social edition episodes on Bravo TV.  All without any pre-planning on my part.  

I went to my "aloe shake guru" and he said "Hey I saw you on TV."  I just brushed it off with a "well of course you did" in mock celebrity pretentiousness.  (Ha ha!)

I think my shining moment of my budding vapid social media presence was when The Biggest Loser Trainer Jillian Michaels retweeted me to her almost 1 million followers.

I am like a J-list celebrity (many levels below a "D List" celebrity).  But then what can you expect from a woman who has been in several Malaysian and regional Asian newspapers?  (It's true, I have!)  

So perhaps I shouldn't have been so surprised to hear one of my Tweets was mentioned on an internet live streaming talk show ("The Gina Show" starring Gina Cutillo).  Check it out at the 15:58 mark at the link here.

Being an American well-versed in how fluffy-headed our reality entertainment reporting is, my Tweets are just as empty-headed.  However they make me and many other people laugh ... so why not?

On this day - September 11, 2013 - a very sad day in American history, it seems like the air is thick with emotion.  My work schedule has kicked into flaming overdrive.  I started this morning feeling like someone had bubble-wrapped me in layers of STRESS and RAGE.  My emotions were so intense that I had to force myself to step back and take a moment to collect myself.  

It was in that moment I discovered that my Tweet was on The Gina Show.  I just started laughing at the silliness of it all - and in that moment, the intense emotions slid away.  I've written posts about how to cope in the face of inexplicable tragedy before.  (See In Times of Sorrow, Take Action and The Wise Guy Diaries Thought Provoking Blog Post).  But overall on September 11, I hope that people are not wrapping themselves up in sorrow, anger and pain.  I hope instead that people are looking at ways to channel their emotion into positive action.  Or at the very least, I hope people who may be sad today are also taking time to laugh, love and be happy.  We honor the dead best when we are enjoying every moment of our lives.

Happy Wednesday, my dear readers.  Thank you for being a part of my tiny corner of the internet.


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